Dividing Ops For Smoother Scheduling in home services

You Gotta Keep Em Separated? Here's how keeping your dispatch and CSR roles apart can help smooth out your scheduling process.
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I recently had an insightful conversation with my co-host, Jack Carr, about a critical step in reaching the $5M mark: Splitting CSR from dispatch. Jack's recent experiences shed light on the power of outbounding and taking control of our schedules.

Despite hurdles like Google Map Pack outages, Jack's team maintained their momentum by proactively filling their board and making around 600 calls in a week.

They even experimented with dropping door hangers; a move that surprisingly led to successful hot water tank installs. It's a testament to the effectiveness of being proactive and assertive in controlling our own destiny.

Let's look at a breakdown of how this division of labor can elevate your operations and customer experiences.

Fill The Bucket, Then Empty It!

The CSR, or customer service representative, serves as the bucket-filler, handling initial contacts and bookings without committing to specific times or technicians.

At the heart of this transition lies the dispatcher, a pivotal position responsible for orchestrating technician assignments and optimizing routing efficiency. This division streamlines operations, allowing for smoother scheduling and enhanced resource allocation.

It's about recognizing the distinct skill sets needed for each role and understanding that effective scheduling is an intricate dance between filling the bucket and emptying it profitably.

The Workflow: From Booking to Dispatch

  1. The CSR manages inbound requests and outbound calls, emphasizing initial contact and booking without specifying times or technicians.

  2. Once a booking is made, the dispatcher takes over, organizing the schedule based on route efficiency and technician capabilities.

  3. Clear communication between the CSR and dispatcher is vital to ensure smooth customer experiences and optimal technician assignments.

Make This Simple Change

One significant shift in approach involves moving away from specific time slots to broader windows. This only enhances punctuality and customer satisfaction.

By calling customers an hour before arrival, service providers eliminate the stress of waiting for extended periods and improve overall service experiences. This adjustment underscores the importance of managing customer expectations effectively while maintaining operational efficiency.

Hire Smart

For CSRs, we look for mental horsepower, empathy, friendliness, and the obvious great communicator who has the ability to handle customer inquiries.

While dispatchers need operational-mindedness, strong organizational skills, and the ability to handle data analysis. It's crucial to avoid route-based thinking and prioritize candidates who can effectively manage the dynamic nature of the dispatch role.

It's not just about technical skills but also about mindset and adaptability. Finding individuals who align with the company's values and operational philosophy is essential for long-term success and growth.

What’s Next?

Once you have CSR and Dispatch firing on all cylinders, the next hire to prepare for is an install coordinator.

This expansion of roles signifies a maturation in the business model, where specialization and efficiency are paramount. They oversee everything from scheduling to permits and customer communication, ensuring that each job is set up for success.

This proactive approach alleviates the burden on sales teams and streamlines the installation process for enhanced customer satisfaction. At the end of that day, that's the goal: Customer experience.

Remember that and you'll find making the decision on ops-splitting to be easy.

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